- sesamoid cartilage
- сесамовидный хрящ, добавочный хрящ* * *добавочный хрящ
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
sesamoid cartilage of cricopharyngeal ligament — cartilago sesamoidea ligamenti cricopharyngei … Medical dictionary
sesamoid cartilage of larynx — cartilago sesamoidea ligamenti cricopharyngei … Medical dictionary
sesamoid — 1. adjective a) Resembling a sesame seed in size or shape. b) Of or relating to a sesamoid bone. 2. noun A sesamoid bone or sesamoid cartilage … Wiktionary
Cartilage — Hyaline cartilage showing chondrocytes and organelles, lacunae and matrix Cartilage … Wikipedia
Sesamoid — Ses a*moid, n. (Anat.) A sesamoid bone or cartilage. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sesamoid — [ses′ə moid΄] adj. [Gr sēsamoeidēs < sēsamon (see SESAME) + eidos, OID] shaped like a sesame seed; specif., designating or of any of certain small bones developing in tendons, as at a joint, or any of certain small cartilaginous nodules in the … English World dictionary
Cartilage — Firm, rubbery tissue that cushions bones at joints. A more flexible kind of cartilage connects muscles with bones and makes up other parts of the body, such as the larynx and the outside parts of the ears. * * * A connective tissue characterized… … Medical dictionary
Sesamoid bone — Bone: Sesamoid bone Sagittal section of right knee joint … Wikipedia
sesamoid — 1. Resembling in size or shape a grain of sesame. 2. Denoting a s. bone. [G. sesamoeides, like sesame] * * * ses·a·moid ses ə .mȯid adj of, relating to, or being a nodular mass of bone or cartilage in a tendon esp. at a joint or bony prominence… … Medical dictionary
sesamoid angular — coronomeckelian (a small bone on the postero lateral part of Meckel s cartilage of the lower jaw. Often a point of insertion of the adductor mandibulae muscle. Also called supraangular, sesamoid articular, articular sesamoid, splenial, os meckeli … Dictionary of ichthyology
sesamoid articular — coronomeckelian (a small bone on the postero lateral part of Meckel s cartilage of the lower jaw. Often a point of insertion of the adductor mandibulae muscle. Also called sesamoid angular, supraangular, articular sesamoid, splenial, os meckeli… … Dictionary of ichthyology